(feibl)Fable Meaning(n.)
Fable Meaning In Hindi:- (कल्पित कहानी / झूठी बात)
Fable In english:- A supernatural story incorporating elements of myth and legend / a false statement or belief.
Fable Synonym:- Fantasy, Fiction, Myth, Untruth, Falsehood
Fable Sentences
E.g- 1. Olivia once wrote a fable.
2. Everyone knows the fables of the race between the tortoise and the hare.
3. We have to learn to distinguish fact from fable.
4. The fables is translated from the original French.
5. My favorite is the fables of the race between the hare and the tortoise.
6. The fables is translated from the original German.
7. The novel could be a kind of myth or fables of the afterlife for the 21st century.