RRB Junior Engineer Exam Paper 2015 Set-2

RRB JE (Junior Engineer Exam)

Exam Duration:  120
Number of Questions:   150
Total Marks:   150
Correct: 1 mark
Wrong:  0.33 Negative marks

Q 1: Zeroth law of thermodynamics forms the basis of measurement of
1)  Pressure
2) Temperature
3) Heat exchange
4) Work
Answer: Temperature

Q 2: Internal energy is defined by
1) Zeroth law of thermodynamics
2) First law of thermodynamics
3) Second law of thermodynamics
4) Law of entropy
Answer: First law of thermodynamics

Q 3: The concept of overall heat transfer is used in the heat transfer in the case of
1) Conduction
2) Convection
3) Radiation
4) Combined mode of heat transfer of conduction and convection
Answer: Combined mode of heat transfer of conduction and onvection

Q 4: The unit of thermal conductivity in S.I. unit is
1) W / mK
2) W2 / mK
3) W / m2K
4) W / m
Answer: W / mK

Q 5: All radiations in a black body are
1) Reflected
2) Refracted
3) Transmitted
4) Absorbed
Answer: Absorbed

Q 6: The given P-V diagram indicates following cycle
otto cycle
1) Carnot cycle
2) Otto cycle
3) Diesel cycle
4) Dual cycle
Answer: Otto cycle

Q 7: If the cut-off ratio is decreased, the efficiency of diesel cycle
1) Increases
2) Decreases
3) Remains constant
4) May increase or decrease
Answer: Increases

Q 8: Size of shaper is specified by
1) Size of table
2) Length of stroke
3) Power of motor
4) Ratio of forward to return stroke
Answer: Length of stroke

Q 9: Which of the following is an exzmple of orthogonal cutting ?
1) Shaping
2) Turning
3) Drilling
4) Milling
Answer: Turning

Q 10: Grey cast iron is usually welded by
1) Gas welding
2) Resistance welding
3) Arc welding
4) Thermit welding
Answer: Gas welding

Q 11: A grinding wheel of 150 mm diameter is rotating at 300 rpm. The grinding speed is
1) 7.5 π m/sec
2) 15 π m/sec
3) 45 π m/sec
4) 450 π m/sec
Answer: 7.5 π m/sec

Q 12: In Die casting, machining allowance is
1) Small
2) Large
3) Very large
4) Not provided
Answer: Not provided

Q 13: The grinding operation is a
1) Shaping operation
2) Forming operation
3) Surface finishing operation
4) Dressing operation
Answer: Surface finishing operation

Q 14: The process in which leaving a tab without removing any material is
1) Notching
2) Lancing
3) Parting
4) Sliting
Answer: Lancing

Q 15: Steel rails are welded by
1) Gas welding
2) Thermit welding
3) Resistance welding
4) Argon arc welding
Answer: Thermit welding

Q 16: D.C. generator works on the principle of
1) Electromagnetic Induction
2) Ohm’s Law
3) Lenz’s Law
4) Kirchoff’s Law
Answer: Electromagnetic Induction

Q 17: Thermal relays are used in
1) Motor starters
2) Switchgear protection
3) Transformer protection
4) Generators
Answer: Motor starters

Q 18: The most commonly used moderator in a Nuclear reactor is
1) Graphite
2) Oil
3) Oxygen
4) Heavy water
Answer: Heavy water

Q 19: Over speed protection of a generator is done by
1) Governor
2) Differential protection
3) Over currently relay
4) Alarm
Answer: Governor

Q 20: The motor which does not have winding on it, is
1) Repulsion
2) Reluctance
3) Hysterisis
4) Universal
Answer: Hysterisis

Q 21: Which of the following is not fitted on transformer ?
1) Commutator
2) Breather
3) Conservator
4) Buchholz Relay
Answer: Commutator

Q 22: Open circuit test in transformers is conducted to determine
1) Hysteresis
2) Copper losses
3) Core losses
4) Eddy current losses
Answer: Core losses

Q 23: The given figure is the Torque-Current characteristics of
differential compound motor
1) Cumulative compound motor
2) Shunt motor
3) Series motor
4) Differential Compound motor
Answer: Differential Compound motor

Q 24: Which of the following is not a non-linear element ?
1) Gas diode
2) Heater coil
3) Tunnel diode
4) Electric arc
Answer: Heater coil

Q 25: Which of the following is known as metal rectifier ?
1) Selenium disc rectifier
2) Copper oxide rectifier
3) Gas tube diode
4) Varactor diode
Answer: Copper oxide rectifier
Q 26: For full-wave rectified sine wave, form factor is
1) 1.41
2) 1.11
3) 1.5
4) 1.28
Answer: 1.11

Q 27: Electron pair bonding occurs when atoms
1) Lack electrons
2) Lack holes
3) Share electrons
4) Share holes
Answer: Share electrons

Q 28: In a p type semiconductor, minority carriers are
1) Holes
2) Electrons
3) Dopants
4) Atoms
Answer: Electrons

Q 29: Which of the following is a pentavalent material ?
1) Carbon
2) Boron
3) Phosphorus
4) Silicon
Answer: Phosphorus

Q 30: Another name for a unity gain amplifier is
1) Difference amplifier
2) Comparator
3) Single ended
4) Voltage follower
Answer:  Voltage follower

Q 31: At room temperature, the current in intrinsic semiconductor is due to
1) Holes
2) Electrons
3) Ions
4) Holes and electrons both
Answer: Holes and electrons both

Q 32: AB + AB’ =
1) B
2) A
3) 1
4) 0
Answer: A

Q 33: Which of the following devices has one input and many outputs ?
1) Multiplexer
2) Demultiplexer
3) Flip-flop
4) Counter
Answer: Demultiplexer

Q 34: The number of bits in ASCII is
1) 7
2) 8
3) 9
4) 10
Answer: 7

Q 35: Poise can also be expressed as
1) Dyne-cm/s2
2) Dyne-cm/s
3) Dyne-s/cm
4) Dyne-s/cm2
Answer: Dyne-s/cm2

Q 36: Number of phase in soil mass is
1) 3
2) 2
3) 1
4) 4
Answer: 3

Q 37: Bolts are most suitable to carry
1) Shear
2) Bending
3) Axial tension
4) Shear and bending
Answer: Shear and bending

Q 38: Spherical shape of droplets of mercury is due to
1) High density
2) High surface tension
3) High adhesion
4) Water
Answer: High surface tension

Q 39: The method of oriented a plane table with two inaccessible points is known as
1) Intersection
2) Resection
3) Back sighting
4) Two-point problem
Answer: Two-point problem

Q 40: The most likely time (m) is mode of the
1) Normal distribution
2) Beta distribution
3) Binomial distribution
4) Poisson distribution
Answer: Beta distribution

Q 41: Which of the following timbers is suitable for making sports goods ?
1) Mulberry
2) Mahogany
3) Sal
4) Deodar
Answer: Mulberry

Q 42: Cement concrete is a
1) Elastic material
2) Visco-elastic material
3) Non elastic material
4) Plastic material
Answer: Visco-elastic material

Q 43: Which of the following is used to measure the discharge ?
1) Current meter
2) Venturimeter
3) Pitot tube
4) Hotwire anemometer
Answer: Venturimeter

Q 44: Direct method of contouring is
1) A quick method
2) Adopted for large surveys only
3) Most accurate method
4) Suitable for hilly terrains
Answer: Most accurate method

Q 45: Which of the following soils has more plasticity index ?
1) Sand
2) Silt
3) Clay
4) Gravel
Answer: Clay

Q 46: Seasoning of timber is required to
1) Soften the timber
2) Harden the timber
3) Straighten the timber
4) Remove sap from the timber
Answer:  Remove sap from the timber

Q 47: An instrument transformer is used to extend the range of
1) Induction instrument
2) Electrostatic instrument
3) Moving coil instrument
4) PMMC instrument
Answer: Induction instrument

Q 48: Wattmeter cannot be designed on the principle of
1) Electrostatic instrument
2) Thermocouple instrument
3) Moving iron instrument
4) Electrodynamic instrument
Answer: Moving iron instrument

Q 49: In an energy meter, braking torque is produced to
1) Safe guard it against creep
2) Brake the instrument
3) Bring energy meter to stand still
4) Maintain steady speed and equal to driving torque
Answer: Maintain steady speed and equal to driving torque

Q 50: Resistances can be measured with the help of
1) Wattmeters
2) Voltmeters
3) Ammeters
4) Ohmmeters and Resistance bridges
Answer: Ohmmeters and Resistance bridges

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Q 51: Which of the following essential features is possessed by an indicating instrument ?
1) Deflecting device
2) Controlling device
3) Damping device
4) Deflecting, controlling and damping device
Answer: Deflecting, controlling and damping device

Q 52: Per capita water demand is
1) Average amount of daily water required by one person
2) Monthly average amount of daily water required by one person
3) Annual average amount of daily water required by one person
4) Weekly average amount of daily water required by one person
Answer: Annual average amount of daily water required by one person

Q 53: The permissible/desirable drinking water standard for total hardness is
1) 200 mg/l
2) 300 mg/l
3) 250 mg/l
4) 500 mg/l
Answer: 300 mg/l

Q 54: In BOD5 determination of sewage,, the initial dissolved oxygen is measured to be 8.3 mg/l. However, after 5 day incubation at 20 oC temperature. The dissolved oxygen is found to be 2.3 mg/l. If the dilution factor is 1:60, the BOD5 of the sewage would be
1) 360 mg/l
2) 260 mg/l
3) Cannot be determined
4) 6.0 mg/l
Answer: Cannot be determined

Q 55: The continuous exposure of high concentration of carbon monoxide may cause
1) Damage of alveoli
2) Kidney damage
3) Failure of respiratory system
4) Coma followed by death
Answer: Coma followed by death

Q 56: The frequency range of audibility of a healthy person with perfect hearing is
1) 200 to 10000 Hz
2) 2000 to 5000 Hz
3) 20 to 20,000 Hz
4) 20 to 2000 Hz
Answer: 20 to 20,000 Hz

Q 57: The green house gases as per their increasing order of effectiveness are
1) CO2, CH4, N2O and CFC
2) CH4, CO2, N2O and CFC
3) N2O, CH4, CO2 and CFC
4) CFC, CH4, CO2 AND N2O
Answer: CO2, CH4, N2O and CFC

Q 58: Printer is a(an)_______
1) Input device
2) Output device
3) Storage device
4) Both input and output device
Answer: Output device

Q 59: Which of the following is not true about EPROM ?
1) Random access memory
2) Erasable programmable read  only memory
3) Non-volatile memory
4) Sequential access memory
Answer: Sequential access memory

Q 60: Which of the following components of CPU temporarily stores data for ALU operations ?
1) Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
2) Control Unit (CU)
3) Registers
4) Random Access Memory (RAM)
Answer: Registers

Q 61: BCD coding scheme uses______bits to code decimal digits.
1) 4
2) 8
3) 16
4) 32
Answer: 4

Q 62: The binary representation of 195.5 is_______
1) (11000001.01)2
2) (11000001.11)2
3) (11000011.01)2
4) (11000011.10)2
Answer: (11000011.10)2

Q 63: Considering X as a binary variable, the Boolean expression X. 1 is equivalent to
1) X
2) 1
3) 0
4) X’
Answer: X

Q 64: The 2’s compliment of the binary number (00000000)2 s
1) (11111111)2
2) (00000000)2
3) (10101010)2
4) (01010101)2
Answer: (00000000)2

Q 65: A proprietary technology developed by Microsoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects is
1) DOM
3) OLE
4) OpenDoc
Answer: OLE

Q 66: Class ‘B’ IP addresses use_______bits for Network ID.
span style=”color: #000000;”>Options:
1) 8
2) 16
3) 24
4) 32
Answer: 16

Q 67: Which of the following is not a Web browser ?
1) Netscape Navigator
2) NetSurf
3) XML
4) Opera
Answer: XML

Q 68: The diagonal scale is used to represent
1) Three consecutive units
2) Two consecutive units
3) Diagonal of square
4) Diagonal of rectangle
Answer: Three consecutive units

Q 69: If a line is parallel to H.P. and inclined to V.P., its true length will be seen in
1) Front view
2) Top view
3) Side view
4) Both front and top views
Answer: Top view

Q 70: If both the front and top views of a plane are straight lines, it may be
1) Perpendicular to both horizontal and vertical planes
2) Parallel to horizontal plane and perpendicular to vertical plane
3) Perpendicular  to horizontal plane and parallel to vertical plane
4) Parallel to both horizontal and vertical planes
Answer: Perpendicular to both horizontal and vertical planes

Q 71: For orthographic projections, BIS recommend the following projections.
1) Fourth-angle projection
2) Third-angle projection
3) First-angle Projection
4) Second-angle projection
Answer: First-angle Projection

Q 72: A square lamina is perpendicular to the H.P. and inclined to V.P. Its
1) V.T. will be perpendicular to the reference line
2) H.T. will be parallel to the reference line
3) V.T. will be parallel to the reference line
4) V.T. will be inclined to the reference line
Answer: V.T. will be perpendicular to the reference line

Q 73: A truck of mass 1000 kg moving at a speed of 20 m/s is braked suddenly with a braking force of 5000 N. The distance travelled by the truck before stopping is
1) 20 m
2) 30 m
3) 40 m
4) 80 m
Answer: 40 m

Q 74: A cubical box (each side 10 cm) of weight 19.6 N is placed on a table. The pressure exerted by the box on the table is
1) 19.6 N/m2
2) 1.96 x 103 N/m2
3)1.96 N/m2
4) 0.98 x 103 N/m2
Answer: 1.96 x 103 N/m2

Q 75: Rohan does 150 J of work in 5 s. The power delivered by him is
1) 30 W
2) 15 W
3) 150 W
4) 750 W
Answer: 30 W

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Q 76: For a sound wave, the amplitude is
1) The distance between two consecutive crests
2) The distance between two consecutive troughs
3) The height difference between a crest and a trough
4) One-half the height difference between a crest and a trough
Answer: One-half the height difference between a crest and a trough

Q 77: An object and a screen are separated by 25 cm. When a convex lens is placed between them at a distance of 5 cm from the object, a sharp image is formed on the screen. The focal length of the lens is
1) 20 cm
2) 6.67 cm
3) 4.0 cm
4) 2.0 cm
Answer: 4.0 cm

Q 78: Two conducting wires A (resistance RA) and B (resistance RB) are made of same material and have the same length. If the diameter of wire B is twice that of wire A, the ratio RA/RB is
1) 4
2) 1/4
3) 1/2
4) 1
Answer: 4

Q 79: For its complete combustion, one mole of an alkane required 3.5 mole of oxygen gas at the same temperature and pressure. What is the name of alkane ?
1) Methane
2) Ethane
3) Propane
4) Butane
Answer: Ethane

Q 80: Which one of the following is a molecule of an element ?
1) Cl2
2) H2S
3) NaCl
4) CO2
Answer: Cl2

Q 81: Rancidity of oils and fats can be controlled by controlling the process of
1) Decomposition
2) Neutralization
3) Reduction
4) Oxidation
Answer: Oxidation

Q 82: An element X contains only electron in its outermost shell. Which of the following statements are correct about X ?

  1. i) It forms an acidic oxide.
  2. ii) It forms a basic oxide

iii) It is a good  conductor of electricity.

  1. iv) It has a dull and non lustrous surface

1)  (i) & (iii)
2) (ii) & (iii)
3) (i) & (iv)
4) (iii) & (iv)
Answer: (ii) & (iii)

Q 83: Which one of the following can act as an olfactory indicator ?
1) Phenolphthalein
2) Methyl orange
3) Vanilla essence
4) Litmus solution
Answer: Vanilla essence

Q 84: Which one of the following elements is the most metallic in nature ?
1) Na
2) Al
3) Li
4) B
Answer: Na

Q 85: Scientific names of living beings consist of
1) One word
2) Two words
3) Four words
4) More than four words
Answer: Two words

Q 86: Human heart is made of cardiac muscle fibres because these are
1) Striated and Involuntry
2) Involuntary and without fatigue
3) Voluntary and do not stop contracting
4) Voluntary and fibres are connected
Answer: Involuntary and without fatigue

Q 87: Leaves of cacti are modified into spines to reduce transpiration. This is an adaptation to which feature of their habitat ?
1) Scarcity of water
2) Lack of rainfall
3) Hot daytime
4) Cool nights
Answer: Scarcity of water

Q 88: Which organ of the digestive system gets affected by the disease Jaundice / Hepatitis ?
1) Liver
2) Pancreas
3) Stomach
4) Kidney
Answer: Liver

Q 89: Which out of the following is not a Green House Gas ?
1) Carbon Dioxide
2) Nitrogen
3) Sulphur Dioxide
4) Nitrous Oxide
Answer: Nitrogen

Q 90: In which one of the following is DNA present ?
1) Genes
2) Ribosomes
3) Vacuoles
4) Golgi
Answer: Genes

Q 91: The HCF of two number is 15 and their LCM is 270. If one number is 45, the other number is
1) 18
2) 90
3) 81
4) 675
Answer: 90

Q 92: The largest number which divides 247 and 319, leaving remainders 7 and 4 respectively is
1) 15
2) 30
3) 45
4) 56
Answer: 15

Q 93: If a : b = 5 : 6 and b : c = 3 : 4, then c : a is
1) 4 : 5
2) 5 : 4
3) 8 : 5
4) 5 : 8
Answer: 8 : 5

Q 94: If 8, 12, 14, x are in proportion, then x is equal to
1) 18
2) 20
3) 21
4) 28
Answer: 21

Q 95: Successive discounts of 40% and 20% are equivalent to a single discount of
1) 60%
2) 55%
3) 54%
4) 52%
Answer: 52%

Q 96: The simple interest on rupees 800 for 5/2 years at 5% per annum is
1) Rs.100
2) Rs.125
3) Rs.150
4) Rs.200
Answer: Rs.100

Q 97: The compound interest on rupees 12000 for 1 year at 10% per annun compounded half yearly is
1) Rs.1200
2) Rs.1230
3) Rs.2520
4) Rs.2680
Answer: Rs.1230

Q 98: If CP of 25 articles is equal to SP of 20 articles, then in then in the whole transaction there is a profit of
1) 10%
2) 20%
3) 25%
4) 30%
Answer: 25%

Q 99: To gain 25% after allowing a discount of 10%, the shopkeeper should mark the price of the article which cost him Rs.720 as
1) 10%
2) 20%
3) 25%
4) 30%
Answer: 30%

Q 100: A shopkeeper mixes 26 kg of rice which costs him Rs.100 per kg with 30 kg of rice which costs him Rs.180 per kg. He sells the mixed rice at Rs.150 per kg. The percentage gain is
1) 10%
2) (100/21) %
3) 7%
4) 5%
Answer: 5%

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Q 101: In two vessels A and B, the spirit and water are in the ratio of 5:2 and 7:6 respectively. The ratio in which these are mixed to obtain new mixture which contains spirit and water in the ratio 3:2 is
1) 5 : 12
2) 3 : 2
span style=”color: #000000;”>3) 7 : 13
4) 35 : 12
Answer: 7 : 13

Q 102: The speed of a boat in still water is 15 km/hr. The speed of the stream is 3 km/hr. The time taken to go 12 km downstream in minutes is
1) 40
2) 45
3) 50
4) 55
Answer: 40

Q 103: A train 200 m long is moving at 40 km/hr. The time in seconds, it will take to pass another train 150 long which is  moving at 50 km/hr in the opposite direction from the moment they meet is
1) 8
2) 12
3) 14
4) 117
Answer: 14

Q 104: A can do a piece of work in 15 days and B can do the same work in 10 days. If they work together, number of days required to complete the same work is
1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
Answer: 6

Q 105: P and Q can do a piece of work in 10 days, Q and R in 12 days and R and P in 15 days. In how many days P alone can do the same work ?
1) 24
2) 40
3) 6
4) 40/3
Answer: 24

Q 106: The average of first six even whole numbers is
span style=”color: #000000;”>1) 5
2) 6
3) 7
4) 8
Answer: 5

Q 107: The average marks of students of section A and B are respectively 60 and 70. The number of students in section A is 47 and in section B is 53. The average marks of both sections taken together are
1) 65.5
2) 65.3
3) 65.6
4) 65.8
Answer: 65.3

Q 108: The first term of an AP is –5 and third term is 17. Its seventh term is
1) 31
2) 41
3) 61
4) 71
Answer: 61

Q 109: The 12th term of the G.P 1, -3, 9, -27, ….., is
1) 312
2) -312
3) 311
4) -311
Answer: -311

Q 110: A ladder just reaches the top of a wall. The foot of the ladder is 8m away from the foot of the wall. The ladder makes an angle of 60o with the ground. The length of the ladder is

span style=”color: #000000;”>Options:
1) 4 m
2) 16 m
3) (16√3 / 3)m
4) 16√3 m
Answer: 16 m

Q 111: From a point on the bridge across a river the angle of depressions of the bank on the opposite side of the river are 60o and 45o respectively. If the bridge is at a height of 3m from the bank, the width of the river is
1) 2(√3 + 1) m
2) 3(√3 + 1) m
3) 3 – √3 m
4) 3 + √3 m
Answer: 3 + √3 m

Q 112: If (x – 1) is a factor of 3x3 – 2ax2 – 3x + 6, then a is equal to
span style=”color: #000000;”>1) 3
2) –3
3) +6
4) –6
Answer: 3

Q 113: One of the factors of (81x2 – 1) + (1 + 9x)2 is
1) 18x
2) 9 + x
3) 9 – x
4) 9x – 1
Answer: 18x

Q 114: All values of k for which x2 – kx + 9 = 0 has roots is
1) –6 ≤ k ≤ 6
2) 6 ≤ k ≤ -6
3) k ≥ 6
4) k ≤ -6
Answer: 6 ≤ k ≤ -6

Q 115: The sum and product of the roots of the equation x2 – 8x + 4 = 0 are respectively
1) -8, 4
2) 8, -4
3) 8, 4
4) -8, -4
Answer: 8, 4

Q 116: The football player has to leave the field if the referee shows him
1) Green card once
2) Yellow card once
3) Green card twice
4) Yellow card twice or Red card once
Answer: Yellow card twice or Red card once

Q 117: The first Indian to win an Olympic gold medal in an individual capacity was
1) Abhinav Bindra
2) Milkha Singh
3) PT Usha
4) Vijender Kumar
Answer: Abhinav Bindra

Q 118: When you touch a hot plate and immediately withdraw your hand, the action in triggered by your
1) Brain
2) Spinal Cord
3) Upper arm muscles
4) Bones of the hand
Answer: Spinal Cord

Q 119: In a green house, paraffin is ignited to enhance photosynthesis in the plants as it provides
1) Water
2) Carbon-di-oxide
3) Oxygen
4) More light
Answer: Carbon-di-oxide

Q 120: Which of the following is not an insect ?
1) Spider
2) Butterfly
3) Beetle
4) Termite
Answer: Spider

Q 121: You can make soap at home from vegetable oil and
1) Caustic Potash
2) Ammonium Hydroxide
3) Caustic Soda
4) Sodium Chloride
Answer: Caustic Soda

Q 122: Students were asked to present a “balanced equation” regarding Photosynthesis. Which is the correct equation ?
1) 6CO2 + H2O → C6H12O6 + O2
2) 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
3) CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + O2
4) CO2 + H2O → C6H12O6 + O2
Answer: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2

Q 123: Which out of the F, Br, Ca and Mg which are important elements because their salts are useful to humans may be grouped as halogens ?
1) F and Br
2) F and Ca
3) Br and Mg
4) Ca and Br
Answer: F and Br

Q 124: A maximum of how many partners can a trading business firm have according to Indian Partnership Act ?
1) 20
2) 15
3) 10
4) 5
Answer: 20

Q 125: We are able to walk on the ground because of
1) Friction
2) Gravitation
3) Rotation
4) Combination of gravity and Rotation
Answer: Friction

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Q 126: Scissors belong to the category of simple machines called levers. It is a first class lever because
1) Fulcrum (fixed Point) Is between load and effort
2) Load is between Fulcrum and effort
3) Effort is between fulcrum and load
4) It does not have a fulcrum
Answer: Fulcrum (fixed Point) Is between load and effort

Q 127: As I was folding my blanket of synthetic fibers, there were sparks due to generation of
1) Frictional electricity
2) Current electricity
3) Flow of electric field
4) Flow of potential
Answer: Frictional electricity

Q 128: The latest country to give up its national currency and adopt “euro” as its currency is
1) Latvia
2) Lebanon
3) Brazil
4) Italy
Answer: Latvia

Q 129: Who presides over the present Lok Sabha when parliament session is on ?
1) President, Pranab Mukherji
2) Vice President, Hamid Ansari
3) Prime Minister, Narendra Modi
4) Speaker, Sumitra Mahajan
Answer: Speaker, Sumitra Mahajan

Q 130: BCMII project connects Bangladesh, China and India with
1) manila
2) Myanmar
3) Malaysia
4) Morocco
Answer: Myanmar

Q 131: One long river of our country which flows through the North-East is
1) Ganges
2) Brahmaputra
3) Narmada
4) Kaveri
Answer: Brahmaputra

Q 132: The making of ‘maps’ is called
1) Calligraphy
2) Numismatics
3) Cartography
4) Philately
Answer: Cartography

Q 133: What is global warming and climate change due to ?
1) Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
2) Ozone hole
3) Photo chemical smog
4) UV rays of sunlight falling on earth
Answer: Accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

Q 134: The Indian Constitution was written on 26/11/1949 and came into force on
1) Same day
2) 26.01.1950
3) 15.08.1950
4) 26.01.1952
Answer: 26.01.1950

Q 135: A few children between ages 8 and 14 were rescued from a factory where they worked under inhuman conditions. Which fundamental right of the constitution made this possible ?
1) Right to Education
2) Right to Freedom of Speech
3) Right against exploitation
4) Right to Freedom of Religion
Answer: Right against exploitation

Q 136: The relationship between quantity, revenue and price is
1) Quantity times price = Revenue
2) Revenue times Price = Quantity
3) Quantity times Revenue = Price
4) Price times Quantity = Current price
Answer: Quantity times price = Revenue

Q 137: Pablo Picasso’s creation ‘Guernica’ was based on consequences of
1) Spanish civil war
2) Sudanese civil war
3) Second world war
4) American war of Independence
Answer: Spanish civil war

Q 138: Three national leaders were together called Lal Bal Pal. Which name in the options is wrong ?
1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2) Bipin Chandra pal
3) Lal Lajpat Rai
4) Lal Bhahadur Shastri
Answer: Lal Bhahadur Shastri

Q 139: Who was the last Governor General in the century rule of the British in India ?
1) Lord Clive
2) Sir Warren Hastings
3) Lord Mountbatten
4) Lord Cornwallis
Answer: Lord Cornwallis

Q 140: Which of the following statements is not true ?
1) Amartya Sen is the only economist from India/ of Indian origin to have won the Nobel prize for Economics
2) Amartya Sen is also credited with developing the input output method with C.V. Raman
3) Amartya Sen received the Nobel Prize in 1998 for his contribution to welfare economics
4) Amartya Sen is also known as a champion of nationalism, secularism
Answer: Amartya Sen is also credited with developing the input output method with C.V. Raman

Q 141: Pointing to a photograph Rohit said, “His father’s brother is my brother’s father.” How is Rohit related to the man in the photograph ?
1) Cousin
2) Uncle
3) Brother-in-law
4) Brother
Answer: Cousin

Q 142: The first two numbers on the left of the sign ‘::’ are related in a certain way. The same relationship holds for the second pair of numbers on the right side of the sign ‘::’ of which one is missing. Find the missing one from the alternatives.
16 : 27 :: 36 : ?
1) 140
2) 125
3) 112
4) 84
Answer: 125

Q 143: The two words on the left side of the sign ‘::’ are related in a certain way. The same relationship holds for the second pair of words on the right side of the sign ‘::’ of which one is missing. Find the missing one from the alternatives.
Microphone : Loud :: Microscope : ?
1) Bacteria
2) Reflect
3) Examine
4) Magnify
Answer: Magnify

Q 144: Six friends A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting in a row. A is not sitting next to C or D. There are two persons between D and F. D is next to B, Who is in one of the extremes. Who is sitting in the other extreme ?
1) A
2) C
3) E
4) F
Answer: C

Q 145: Arrange the following words in a meaningful logical sequence and choose the appropriate number sequence from the alternatives.
1) Medicine 2) Injury 3) Doctor 4) Accident 5) Cure 6) Hospital
1) 4, 2, 3, 6, 1, 5
2) 5, 6, 3, 1, 2, 4
3) 4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5
4) 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5
Answer: 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 5

Q 146: The numbers in each group are related in a certain way. Choose the correct number from among the alternatives that will replace the question mark.
(3 [34] 5)   (4 [65] 7)    (6 [ ? ] 9)
1) 85
2) 107
3) 117
4) 128
Answer: 117

Q 147: In a certain language, ‘296’ means ‘adults are educated’; ‘7825’ means ‘rich persons are nice’ ; and ‘9257’ means ‘educated persons are rich’. Which digit means ‘educated’ in that language ?
1) 9
2) 6
3) 8
4) 7
Answer: 9

Q 148: If ‘METHOD’ is coded as ‘LFRJLG’ then ‘GROUND’ will be coded as:
Answer: FSMWKG

Q 149: Harsh’s school bus picks him up from his home. Then it takes one left turn and two right turns to reach his school. If the bus is facing North-West when it reaches the school, which direction was the bus facing at Harsh’s home ?
span style=”color: #000000;”>Options:
1) South-West
2) South-East
3) North-East
4) South
Answer: South-West

Q 150: The numbers in the matrix given below follow a certain trend row-wise and and/or column wise. Study the trend and choose the number which will replace the question mark ?

9 11 21
24 29 ?
6 7 14

1) 43
2) 53
3) 56
4) 67

RRB Junior Engineer Exam Papers (www.newtondesk.com)

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