(ab.ses)Obsess Meaning(vb)
Obsess Meaning In Hindi – (दिल / दिमाग में घर कर लेना / ( भूत) लगना)
Meaning In English – Be constantly talking or worrying about something.
Obsess Synonyms – Prepossess, Preoccupy, Fear, Haunt, Bedevil, Dominate
Obsess Sentences
E.g- 1. You need to stop obsessing and just deal with the problem.
2. She used to obsesse about her weight.
3. The war obsesses him — he talks about nothing else.
4. She was obsessed with the idea of revenge
5. “Since I was 12, I was obsessed with different challenges,” said Erica.
6. I thought she was obsessed with her husband.
7. He’s obsessed about his son’s death.