Staff Selection Commission of India
- SSC (Staff Selection Commission) is an organization of Govt. of India to recruit staff in various posts in the ministries and departments of Govt. of India and their various subordinate offices.
- It has been one of the most desirable organizations for Government exams in India.
- Every year thousands of vacancies are filled by SSC in Government departments.
- It conducts various exams such as :
- SSC CGL (Combined Graduate Level) #ssccgl
- SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) #sscchsl
- SSC MTS (Multi Tasking (Non-Technical) Staff) #sscmts
- SSC Junior Engineer (Civil, Electrical & Mechanical) Examination #sscje #sscjuniorengineer
- SSC Selection Post (Examination for Selection Posts) #sscselectionpost
- SSC Sub Inspector in Delhi police and CAPF, ASI in CISF (Central Industrial Security Force) #sscsi
- SSC GD Constables in CAPF (Central Armed Police Forces)
- SSC Combined Jr. Hindi Translator in Subordinate Office//Hindi Pradhyapak Exam
- SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination #sscstenographer
- SSC Scientific Assistant Post #scientificassistant
- Many SSC aspirants are facing problems to getting all details about SSC exams at one place in easy way. So We are trying to Solve your problem and trying to provide you whole important details of all SSC Exams which will be Sufficient for you.
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- I am sure, This post will be very helpful for you.